Electrifying waters

It’s hard to believe
That I am a process
of writing
A current of
towards an electric
power plant during
A great earthquake
The earth shatters
It shatters beneath
your feet and you
Fall you fall
And you are
safe in a river
of electrifying
waters that
carry your waves

Your waves
crashing against the shore
crashing and disappearing
resting and crashing
and resting

on shores of electrifying
You rest

Author: Filipe

I love language and spirituality. I also love education, technology and design. My favorite topics of conversation revolve around theology, poetry, linguistics, rhetoric, World Englishes, chinchillas, second language writing, how to kill a plant in 10 days, etc. I was a language teacher and now I build language learning products by day. I am an interpretive mind-dancer by night. I live in China.

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