Electrifying waters

It’s hard to believe
That I am a process
of writing
A current of
towards an electric
power plant during
A great earthquake
The earth shatters
It shatters beneath
your feet and you
Fall you fall
And you are
safe in a river
of electrifying
waters that
carry your waves

Your waves
crashing against the shore
crashing and disappearing
resting and crashing
and resting

on shores of electrifying
You rest

looking for real friendship

Written by “PennyPenny” on ShanghaiExpat (See below). Poetized by me.

Hey! Guys!

I am looking
for some real

Yes, some friends
to hang out with,
to go to clubs with,
to go to movies

Idearly [sic] female.
(No lesbian here).

Something about me!
I am 30,

(a little bit
Adele’s sister
type of girl).

My English is
not so good,
but I will try.

I can help
with your

feel [sic] free
to contact me
via **********@qq.com


*This is Poem 3 of my 10-poem series of poems (I like saying the word “poem”) made from forum posts I found on the “Dating, singles, and relationships” on ShanghaiExpat. I decided to immortalize these words by poetizing them. The words of the poems are presented exactly as the forum posts read. Nothing was added or removed (except for line breaks, sometimes [sic] notations for wrong grammar or spelling, and asterisks for identifiable information).

Saw you in the taxi queue at Jin Mao T.

Written by “Sebastico” on ShanghaiExpat (See below). Poetized by me.


I need some help,
Tuesday night,
August 14th,
around 9:45pm

I have seen
an amazingly
beautiful girl
in the taxi queue
in front of
the entrance
to the Grand Hyatt Hotel
in Jin Mao Tower.

European looking,
blond short hair
(looked dyed)
around 1.70m
tall and white
braces and
wearing a
black/white dress
was queuing behind me.

From a quick chat
I do know that
she lives in Pudong,
somehow not far
from the Jin Mao Tower,
I guess…

If you know her
or have any
just pass it on…

Ah, and all
you funny once [sic],
please spare me
with any

I so need
to see her


*This is Poem 1 of my 10-poem series of poems (I like saying the word “poem”) made from forum posts I found on the “Dating, singles, and relationships” on ShanghaiExpat. I decided to immortalize these words by poetizing them. The words of the poems are presented exactly as the forum posts read. Nothing was added or removed (except for line breaks and sometimes [sic] notations for wrong grammar or spelling).

Why guys like girls wearing one-piece dress so much?

Written by “serena_loves_pasta” on ShanghaiExpat (See below). Poetized by me.

bought a tight
pink cheetah print
one-piece dress

in a store yesterday,
and I just
wore them [sic]
after buying it
instead of

putting in [sic]
my shopping

And seconds later,
I got chatted up
by a guy.

Well, on my way.. [sic]

all the guys
just gazed at me
and made eyes
at me.

So why are
so attractive
to guys?

It’s much
than miniskirts?

*This is Poem 2 of my 10-poem series of poems (I like saying the word “poem”) made from forum posts I found on the “Dating, singles, and relationships” on ShanghaiExpat. I decided to immortalize these words by poetizing them. The words of the poems are presented exactly as the forum posts read. Nothing was added or removed (except for line breaks and sometimes [sic] notations for wrong grammar or spelling).

My mind back in Shantou

I still lay in bed
my eyes wide
and my mind back
in Shantou

and I wonder what
I said and what
I did to screw up
everything so bad

I know I did plenty
and there’s much
to forgive and
apologize for

Enough to screw up
But enough to
destroy? Did I
really hurt you
as much as you
said I did?

Was I not good
enough to work this
out with?

What I hate and fear
the most is that
maybe you don’t

lay in bed
your eyes wide
and your mind back
in Shantou

From where you stand

from where you stand
I wear an armor
of steel I am
protected and
protecting a paragon
of man confident valiant
content sufficient
and superficial

there is a vacuum
under my breastplate —
an empty space
of nothing pain
a dark universe expanding
every time you crank
chewing and ripping
swallowing in gulps
more of my chest
imploding —

from inside pushing a
clenched fist
against my throat
so I cannot swallow until
I cannot ignore
anymore and I have
to let go in a wild burst
that brings me down
fast and certain

this armor is too heavy
it’s too much to carry
rip it off of me
cut it off of me
and stand back
— give me space
air I can’t breathe
around you

because I’m brimming with
gut and emotion
with tears and blood
and expectations

all I need is an
unexpected shake —
a touch I don’t
a word for which
I didn’t prepare
and it’ll gush
out of me an avalanche
of unfulfilled desires
feelings unrequited

you are hard to let go
it’s hard to swallow
when I think of you
how can I be nothing
to someone who is
my everything

and still when you
smile now here
there and then
I remember why I
fell in love
and it’s enough
to raise my head
and gasp full gulps of you
for a few moments
to fill my lungs
within my chest
within my breastplate
with air I can
breathe and
stand up

hold my self up in armor
valiant confident
sufficient and content

Excuses from my Chinese students

Here are some great examples of excuses for not coming to class or not doing the homework on time that I get every week (the ones below are all from this last week — today is Tuesday). The text below is copied exactly as written in an email — they’re actually the entirety of the email. They sound much better when read aloud with in a “musical robot” style. These are ranked in order of quality of excuse, starting with the worst:

Note 1:

I’m [Name]. I feel sick today.I can’t take the AB English class, I am very sorry.

Note 2:

Excuse me, I am [Name]. I am so sorry that I forget to wirte my position paper 2.Can I ask you to give me some time to finish it? I am really sorry.

Note 3:

To Filipe:

Hello, I’m [Name]. I got serious cold, and feel badly so that I want to be absent for the English class. I’m so sorry to ask for leave tonight. Hope you give permission to my request. Thanks!



My all-time favorites:

Note 4:

Dear filipe,
I don’t intend to ask for your forgiveness but express my thoughts about homework this time.
I handed my position paper later last week because I thought it didn’t matter whether on time. You told and comforted me that E-learning system broken down sometimes. I was ashamed by my behaviour that I didn’t tell you the truth was that I just didn’t submit my homework on time. As I knew that, the system didn’t make mistakes, I did, because man made the machine.
Delay must be a bad habit for me, and I try to hand in paper two on time. And it’s better for me to tell you the truth.  Have a nice day.
Best wishes.


Note 5:

Dear filipes:
I am sorry to occupy your precious again, but I really want to tell you something about the agrument.
Yesterday, you told us that we still can hand in our agurment before 11:55 pm on April 9th.Sadly. However, I did experiment of my professional class and can not return dormitory until eleven o’clock. To made the matter worse, I forgot to submit the argument on time.
Now,I am as sad as the day before yesterday, because I still can not submit my homework. I had planed to talk to you in your office, but I have class tonight. Therefore, I just can send you a e-mail to explain what the situation is.
Can I submit the homework?
I am looking forward to you reply.
Best wishies!


A warning

There may or may not be a bad blog somewhere out there. But this one is my good personal blog for my own personal amusement and professional growth. You are not exactly welcomed here unless invited by me through word of mouth or other highly personal interaction in which an invitation was clearly presented. If you stumbled upon by accident or were referred by a third party, your opinions automatically don’t count.